Updates on Core Flow-based Market Coupling project and Webinar invitation

11 February 2022: Progress of Joint Integration Testing, new Go-Live date for the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project and Operational Webinar invitation
After the testing performed in January and alignment with external parties (SDAC), launch of the Day Ahead Flow Based project is targeted for 20 April 2022 (trading for delivery on 21 April).
This will mark the transition to a single coupled auction for the day-ahead market across the Core region*, based on the flow-based methodology. This allows for regional optimisation of capacity allocation in the day-ahead timeframe. A formal go-live decision will be taken several weeks in advance.
Invitation to Core Flow-Based Market Coupling Operational readiness webinar
The Core FB MC project parties would like to invite market participants to a webinar explaining changes in operational processes.
This will be held on 23 March 2022, 09:30 - 12:00 CET.
To participate, please register here!
SDAC communication note 11 February 2022
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