How to find us

How to find us


Palais Liechtenstein
Alserbachstraße 14-16
1090 Wien

By Car
A2 to A23 (Südosttangente) until Knoten Prater (Donaukanal) - Exit Direction Center - along danube canal through Schüttelstraße, Untere Donaustraße and Obere Donaustraße until Roßauer Brücke - turn left - crossing Roßauerbrücke through Hörlgasse until Liechtensteinstraße - turn right - Liechtensteinstraße until Alserbachstraße - turn right - along Palais Liechtenstein until entrance to the Palais - before barrier stop and ring at EXAA/Cismo Group

By Public Transport
U4 until Friedensbrücke, on foot or 1 station with train no. 5 or train no. 33 until S Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof (alternatively, when coming from the center with train D until Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof), about 100 meter along Alserbachstraße, along Palais Liechtenstein until second entrance, ring at EXAA/Cismo Group
or by
U6 until Währingerstraße/Volksoper, take bus 40A until Nussdorferstraße/Alserbachstraße and walk about 100 m straight ahead until Palais Liechtenstein, take the first entrance and ring at EXAA/Cismo Group

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