01.07.2024EXAA News
Andrea Benckendorff becomes new EXAA CEO
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19.06.2024EXAA News
Successful launch of our 10:15 Auction in the Netherlands!
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01.04.2024● EXAA News
EXAA is expanding its trading services!
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29.02.2024● NEMO News
NEMO Committee publishes FAQs regarding Second Auctions
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31.07.2023● NEMO News
NEMO Committee: Public consultation on the Algo methodology
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03.07.2023● NEMO News
NEMO Committee has published the CACM Annual Report for 2022
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12.06.2023● SDAC News
All NEMOs to modify the threshold that triggers second auction procedure in April and May 2023.
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10.05.2023● SDAC News
European Power Exchanges: EU Commission proposes a pan-European Single Legal Entity
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05.04.2023● Market Coupling News
3rd Market Coupling Consultative Group Meeting
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28.11.2022• SDAC News
All NEMOs to increase threshold that triggers second auction procedure
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03.11.2022• Market Coupling News
Invitation to the Core CG Meeting on the 15th of November 2022
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21.10.2022• Market Coupling News
2nd MCSC Market Coupling Consultative Group Meeting 01.12.2022
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14.09.2022• SDAC News
SDAC Full-Decoupling training session 13.10.2022
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13.09.2022• SDAC News
No changes in harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC from 20 September: it remains at 4,000 EUR/MWh
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23.08.2022• SDAC News
Harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC to be set to +5,000 EUR/MWh from 20th September
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06.07.2022• Company News
New Product: Cross-Auction Spread („Time Spread“)
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01.07.2022CACM Annual Report
CACM Annual Report 2021
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08.06.2022• SDAC News
Successful go-live of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project
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31.05.2022• SDAC News
Core - Announcement Go-Live readiness
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30.05.2022• SDAC News
MNA golive on the Northern Italian borders
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11.05.2022• SDAC News
Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting
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11.05.2022• SDAC News
SDAC Partial Decoupling on the 10 of May
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21.04.2022• SDAC News
Core FB MC Project Go Live set for 08 June 2022
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11.04.2022• SDAC News
Day Ahead MC Max Price set to 4000 EUR/MWh from 10 May 2022
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8.4.2022• SDAC News
Postponement of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project Go Live
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• Company News28.03.2022
Stellenausschreibung: Mitarbeiter/in für Recht (Jurist/in)
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24.03.2022• SDAC News
The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project announces that member testing will start on 04/04 2022
Read article>
14.02.2022• SDAC News
Updates on Core Flow-based Market Coupling project and Webinar invitation
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21.01.2022• Market Coupling News
New Go-Live date of the Core Flow-Based MC project
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16.12.2021• Company News
Mehr Power für die Strombörse
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26.11.2021• SDAC News
postponed CORE FB DA MC go-live
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22.11.2021• Market Coupling News
Postponement for Go Live of Core Flow-Based Market Coupling
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27.10.2021• SDAC News
Inclusion of the Bulgarian-Romanian border into the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC)
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15.10.2021• Market Coupling News
Core Flow-Based Market Coupling workshop
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12.10.2021• Market Coupling News
Result of Core flow-based Market Coupling
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22.09.2021• SDAC News
Invitation CACM Annual Report 2020
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20.9.2021• Market Coupling News
The New EXAA Algorithm
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10.09.2021• teem News
Austrian Energy Day 2021
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01.07.2021NEMO News
CACM Annual Report 2020
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17.06.2021SDAC News
Successful go-live of Interim Coupling with trading day 17th of June 2021
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15.06.2021SDAC News
Interim Coupling Project Go-LIVE on trading day 17 June 2021 confirmed
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26.05.2021• SDAC News
17 June 2021 new operational timings for daily market coupling process
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18.05.2021• Market Coupling News
DE-AT-PL-4MMC Member Tests
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11.05.2021• SDAC News
Extension of Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) to Bulgaria
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06.05.2021• SDAC News
SDAC decoupling training session on 3 November 2021
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04.05.2021• SDAC News
SDAC Webinar Q&A about the Interim Project
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01.02.2021• Market Coupling News
Full-Decoupling Scenario
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